
GLez is a Notre Dame, homegrown financial tool that campus has relied on to meet a variety of financial reporting needs. As a general ledger online lookup tool accessible via InsideND, GLez provides easy access to financial information for campus partners.

Who Should Use GLez?

GLez is designed for individuals with budget management responsibilities, administrators of restricted funds, or recipients of grant money awarded to the University by external sources. If you fall into one of these categories, GLez offers a straightforward way to view online financial information.

Access GLez

To use GLez, a connection to the VPN is required when accessing from off-campus locations. Please ensure you're connected to the on-campus network or the VPN before accessing GLez.

Download VPN Client

Obtain Access

If you require access to Glez, please complete the required online request form to manage or view financial data related to your role within the University.

Submit GLez/buyND Data Access Request Form

Additional Resources

New to the University or just getting started with Glez? Get started with our introductory videos and check out instructor-led classes.

Register for instructor-led classes in Endeavor

Need More Information?

For questions on GLez, email or call the GLez Help Line at 574-631-8000.