Incoming Payments

Explore the following options for incoming payments at the University:

ACH or Wire Payments

In order to ensure prompt notification and posting to the general ledger, please submit a Incoming Electronic Payment Form (Form Instructions) to notify the Office of the Controller of incoming ACH or wire payments. Upon receipt of payment, we will notify you and post funds received to the FOAPAL provided in the form.

For assistance or questions, please email Lisa Kresnak.

Important: This form may not be used for research and sponsored program payments. Please email Brett Walter for RSPA requests.

Credit Card or PayPal Payments

There are several options for collecting electronic payments by credit card or PayPal available to campus. We have the ability to setup e-commerce websites, PayPal accounts and multiple types of credit card device readers.

If you would like to collect money by credit card or PayPal, please email Robyn Wray or call 574-631-2991 to discuss the best options for your needs.

Domestic Checks

The University accepts US checks as a form of payment, however prefers receiving funds electronically. This is often more convenient for the payers. If electronic is an option for you and the vendor you are working with please view the ACH or Wire Payment option and we can get started in helping you make that transition.

If you receive US Checks we offer Check Handling Best Practices below:

  1. As soon as you receive a check, endorse the back either with a stamp or hand written:
    For Deposit Only
    University of Notre Dame
    Your Office Name
  2. Lock checks in desk, cabinet or vault until deposit can be completed.
  3. It is University policy to deposit all checks within 24 hours of receipt.

For further information on how to make deposits, refer to our University Deposits.

Foreign Checks

Due to the considerable time and expense involved in processing foreign checks, the University encourages payments to be made electronically or through checks in US dollars drawn on US banks. In situations where alternative payment methods are not available, the University can accept foreign checks for amounts exceeding $300. This threshold is set by our partner financial institution, representing the minimum amount they will process.

For foreign checks exceeding $300, please direct these to Sheri Cheek at the Office of the Controller, located at 800 Grace Hall, for processing. Please note: It can take 4-6 weeks for the funds to be credited to your account. Before sending, please endorse the back of the check and include your contact information along with your FOAPAL.

Understanding the Exchange Rate Impact

Consider this scenario to illustrate the financial nuances of accepting foreign checks:

  • Original Amount Owed: $1,075
  • Received via Canadian Dollar Check: Equivalent of $1,075
  • University Receives After Conversion: $786.11, reflecting an exchange rate of .731261.
  • Resulting Difference: $288.89 less than the owed amount.