Financial Compliance

Research and Sponsored Programs Accounting (RSPA) is dedicated to assisting faculty, staff, and researchers in navigating the complexities of financial compliance for research and sponsored programs.

Federal Resources

For faculty, staff, and researchers looking for detailed information in financial compliance, the sections below offer direct access to federal resources:

  • The Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) provides a collaborative forum between federal agencies and institutional recipients of federal funds, designed to reduce administrative burdens and improve the efficiency of research grants management. 
  • The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) offers guidance on budget formulation and oversight, ensuring effective use of federal funds. 
  • Uniform Guidance - 2 CFR 200 is the cornerstone of federal research funding policies and procedures, offering a consolidated set of principles designed to ensure proper use of federal funds. 

University Resources

For detailed information on university-specific financial compliance policies and support, explore the resources listed below:

  • The Effort Reporting Policy outlines the University's policy on effort reporting, a critical component of research finance compliance, ensuring that efforts reported for compensation from grants are accurate and verifiable. 
  • The Effort Certification FAQ addresses common questions related to effort certification, offering guidance to faculty and staff involved in research. 
  • Subrecipient Monitoring details the procedures and responsibilities for monitoring the activities of subrecipients to ensure compliance with federal regulations and university policies.