Travel and Expense Reimbursements

Expense Reimbursement

An expense report should be used to reimburse University employees, students, and visitors for travel and entertainment, as well as miscellaneous business expenses. 

Learn How To Submit Expense Reports

In order to ensure that University policies and IRS compliance are met with respect to employee and student reimbursements, please review the University Travel, Entertainment, and Business Expense Policy Manual to guide you through this process.

Travel Advances

Individuals in need of cash in advance of travel are encouraged to use the Express Cash feature on their Chase Visa Travel Card. This feature requires the establishment of a PIN number and enables the Chase Visa Travel Card holder to withdraw cash from nearly any ATM nationwide. Please allow at least one week for the Express Cash feature to be activated.

To enable the Express Cash feature, email the Procurement Help Desk or call 574-631-4289.

Additional Resources

For forms, resources, and policies related to Travel, please see the links below:

Need More Information?


If you have any questions or need more information on reimbursements, please email Accounts Payable.

Submitting Expenses

If you need help creating an expense report, email the Procurement Help Desk or call 574-631-4289.

Special Travel Circumstances

In the event of special circumstances, such as foreign travel, group travel, etc., please email Accounts Payable.