Charitable Contributions

Donations Made By the University

The University is committed to contributing to the quality of life in the South Bend community in ways that further Notre Dame's values and academic mission.  This commitment is demonstrated through volunteerism on the part of administrators, faculty, staff, and students and through the financial support and assistance provided to community and service organizations.

In an effort to provide this financial support and assistance, all charitable contribution requests made on behalf of the University must be approved by the appropriate budget unit director and must be submitted to the Office of Public Affairs and Communication for further review and approval.

See detail procedures at website.

Making a Direct Donation to the University

If you have a question about making a direct contribution to the University, click here.

Making a Donation in Lieu of Compensation

If you have a question about making a charitable contribution in lieu of being compensated/paid for your services:

Donations Received by the University

If you have a question about acknowledging a charitable contributions received by the University, click here.